SEMA 2016

        SEMA is one of those events that usually knocks a few years off your life every time you attend. The shear amount of things to see at the event makes it a logistical nightmare if you don't plan out your stops. Of the 5 years I've been attending SEMA I have yet to actually see it all But one things for sure, you will be beat down and tired by the end of it. However after all the rolling around and talking for hours on end I can say its one of my favourite times of the year because everyone is in the same city at the same time. The show is fueled by passion for cars and a need to create cool new projects a products for the upcoming season. Since I spent a lot of time meeting with the companies that make this industry shine I wasn't able to capture many pictures so I'm only going to share the 4 pictures I managed to grab. 

       The Chairslayer Foundation is looking forward to 2017 and looking forward to the new opportunities that have presented themselves. A huge thanks to SEMA for always hosting a great event and to all the builders and companies that keep the aftermarket industry growing, we couldn't do it without you.